

Laslett's Hinton Charity Grants
Every 3 months the Trustees of Laslett's Hinton Charity meet to discuss the many Grant Applications they receive. They will consider making modest Grants to local organisations and charities who fulfill the following criteria.

Assisting in the repair and restoration of churches and chapels connected with the established Church of England. Please note grant applications can only be considered for churches situated within the Dioceses of Worcester, Hereford, Gloucester, Lichfield, Coventry and Birmingham.
Click here to download the policy
To download the application form to your computer click here
Open the blank, fillable pdf application form in Adobe Reader or Acrobat complete, save and attach to an email then send to

Organisations (Registered Charities)

Who assist poor, aged or infirm people as the Trustees think fit.
Please read through the Grant Making Policy for guidance.
Click here to download the policy
To download the application form to your computer click here
Open the blank, fillable pdf application form in Adobe Reader or Acrobat complete, save and attach to an email then send to

The next deadline for receiving Grant Applications is 12noon on Monday 7 April 2025.
The applications received will be considered by the Trustees of the Grants Committee 8 days after the deadline date. Recommendations will then be made to the main board where a final decision will be made. The main meetings take place on the last Tuesday of each quarter in January, April, July and October.
